FastCheckPOC® - Reliable . Efficient . Comprehensive Allergy Test
Our Company only supply IgE allergy Test. IgE Test is the ONLY Acceptable Diagnostic Test for Allergic patients, according to the latest guidelines of The Hong Kong Institute of Allergy concerning “in-vitro” allergy tests.

FastCheckPOC® is the best allergy screening test that you can rely on!

Allergy and allergens
Allergy means the body has abnormal immune response towards substances that are harmless to the body via touch, breathe or ingestion of allergens.
Allergens are antibodies that cause allergies. Children would have allergic response once they come into contact with allergens.

What is FastCheckPOC® ?
FastCheckPOC ® is a registered in-vitro diagnostics test in Germany and other member states of the European Union.

Advantages of FastCheckPOC®
FastCheckPOC® is a registered in-vitro diagnostics test in Germany and other member states of the European Union.
- Sensitivity and specificity are comparable to the Gold Standard
- Confirm the presence of frequently occurring allergies in short time
- Cover over 90% of the most predominant allergens
The Hong Kong Allergy Association Offers Certificate of Appreciation, Silver Sponsor