FastCheckPOC® Allergy Test Process


Hotline: +852 25871038

2.Sample Collection in Clinic

Simple & Painless

Only a PIN PRICK is needed.

4.Report in Clinic

Clear & Easily Understood

Consultations are provided by our medical professionals.

3.Allergy Screening

Comprehensive & Efficient

Covers ALL common allergens in Hong Kong within 1 DAY.

FastCheckPOC® can only screen 12 parameters of both food and inhalation allergens.
Are they ENOUGH?
According to local research data, FastCheckPOC® can screen for about 40 environmental and food allergens altogether, which are the MOST COMMON allergy categories among allergic patients. Therefore, FastCheckPOC® allergy test is already more than enough for allergy screening, additional cost to screen for rare allergens is not needed.